Insurance Planning and Implementation

Your current lifestyle, family needs, and future goals can be ruined by an unexpected catastrophe. It is critical that you adequately protect what really matters to you. We help you to identify your risk exposures. Our analysis will include the impact of a premature death or disability on your financial situation. This involves assessing the adequacy of covering these risks with personal assets (self-insuring) versus covering them with insurance. If insurance is the most appropriate way to cover these risks, we quantify and recommend the most appropriate ways to cover what you cannot afford to lose.

Life insurance is used to shield your family from the financial consequences of a premature death. Life insurance is received income tax-free, so it is also often used for estate preservation needs. We will help you identify the most appropriate type of policy for your needs, including either term (temporary) insurance, or whole/universal/variable (permanent) insurance, or a combination of both.

Your ability to earn an income is typically the most important component of a successful financial plan, especially for younger individuals. Therefore, it is vital that you have a protection plan to provide income replacement in the event of a disabling injury or illness. Disability insurance is often the most cost effective method to provide this protection.

Because your family and financial protection needs will change over time, our protection strategies include the flexibility to make adjustments as necessary and maintain suitable coverage for different stages of your life.

Additional insurance management services include:

  • Business owner and key employee insurance strategies to cover buy-sell agreements and business continuation plans
  • Assessing the adequacy of your property & casualty insurance coverage, including:
  1. Homeowners insurance
  2. Automobile insurance
  3. Personal liability insurance